Before Apply Please read the Instruction Carefully.

Rules and Regulations of Smart Senior Secondary School:-.

  1. School administration reserved the right to reject the incomplete /defective/doubtful application.
  2. Parents/Guardians should must co-operation with School administration & should attend in Guardian meeting.
  3. Parents/Guardian must be responsible for student’s home activities.
  4. Students must obey orders/notices/rules and regulations of the School.
  5. Students must be regular and punctual and minimum attendance should be 80%.
  6. Late comers will not be allowed to enter the Class room unless permitted by the authorities.
  7. The students must attend the school with neat and clean uniform. Long nails or using of nail polish is prohibited.
  8. Using the Mobile Phone inside the School campus by the students is strictly prohibited.
  9. Ragging is strictly prohibited.
  10. Students must not damage School assets/property. If any such activity found, the cost of repair or replacement shall be paid by the Parents/Guardians.
  11. Parents/Guardian must submit the monthly fees within the due date. There is no any provision for credit.
  12. Students will not be allowed to appear in Terminal/Annual Examinations if the dues remain unpaid.
  13. We recommended to use Computer Browser for smoothly apply & Printout..

  14. The form should be carefully filled. Incomplete forms are liable for rejection
  15. Application Cannot be Edited Once Submitted.
  16. After submitting online form. You must print out the acknowledgement & then submit it at School for verification.
  17. On Successful submission of Online Form doesn't comfirm your Admission, School authority will be prepared a Final Approved list on the MERIT BASIS.
  18. Documents upload size will be below 150KB in jpg/jpeg/png/pdf format.
  19. Don't bookmark any page, otherwise application will be error!!.
I have read the instruction carefully & accepted all T&C